DCCLXXVIII. Then lord Charles took the road to the lands of Spain through two ways. One through Pampelona, through which the above said great king went to Saragoza. There, came into that said city to join the other part of the army those who came from Burgundy, Austria, or from Bavaria, Provence and Septimania along with the Lombards. There, once the hostages received from Ibin al Arabi and Abutauro and from numerous Saracenes, once Pampelona destroyed, the Spanish Vascons along with Navarese subdued, he went back into the lands of France [...]
DCCCI. On that day of the very saint birth of Our Lord, as the king was standing up after his prayer during the mass which took place in front of the confession of the blessed Apostle Peter, Pope Leo posed upon his head a crown and he was acclaimed by the whole people of the Romans: 'To Charles, augustus, crowned by God, great and pacific emperor of Romans, long life and victory!' And after that praise, he was worshiped in a apostolic way according to the customs of the Ancients as, once his title of 'patrice' taken off, he was named 'augustus.'
After few days, he summoned to appear before him those who, the previous year, had deposed the pontif and after a pathetic moment, they were condemned to death according to Roman law. The pope however, piously minded interceded with the emperor and the latter thus granted to convicts their life and the entirety of their limbs. Due to the magnitude of their crime however, they were exiled. The heads of the plot were Paschalus, the nomenclator and Campulus, the sacellarius along with numerous other noblemen of the city of Rome who, all, were also condemned to that same sentence. The emperor then, as he had settled cases both public, clerical and private for Rome and the whole of Italy -during the winter he did nothing else- he sent a expedition by the Beneventians for the second time, with himself and his son Pippin after Easter, on the 7 of calendae of May. He went from Rome to Spoleto. When he was there, on the 2nd of calendae of May, by the second hour at night, a very large earthquake occurred, who gravely hit the whole Italy. Due to the earthquake, the roof of the basilic of the blessed Apostle Paul collapsed for the most along with its beams and, in some locations, some cities and some mountains collapsed. That same year, places in the vicinity of the Rhine river and too in Gauls and in Germany trembled. Then, during the season of winter, because it was not much cold, a plague occurred. The emperor came back from Spoleto to Ravenna, coming from Pavia where he had been kept during some days. There he was announced that the envoys of Aaron Amir al Mumminin, King to Persians, had entered the harbor of Pisa [...]