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Two Chancellery Charters

Charter of Charlemagne For the Monastery of Herolsfesfeld (August 31st, 786)

Charles, by the grace of God, King of Franks and of the Lombards and patrice of the Romans. We concede and confirm what is following to any of this place of the venerable saints, for the love of God and the opportunity of the servants of God, as we trust that this order will be useful to the sake of our soul et to the stability of our kingdom. That's why, be it known to the greatness of all our vassals as much present -obviously- than those to come, that we are giving to the monastery of Herolsfesfeld, which is on the bank of the Fulda river, and which has been built in the honor of the Blessed Simon and Thadeus by request of Archbishop Lull of Mainz, ruler of the said place, the church of Grabonowa, which was built by the same bishop, with all which is attached to it, namely the tithes for the lands and buildings, forests, fields, prés and pastures, waters, flows, mills, roads, ways, exits and entrances, and all that which, par request or inquiry is attached to those, which can be said and named, the resource too of the place which is called Swerzlwrd up to Dagkenbrunnun, thence to Medelheresbuson, and too from Nisdenbahc up to Humbenrod and on the other side of Buhcchenenwird until the Fulda river, and, thence, going up through the said river up to Steinincrux and, thence, to Breidenbahc and so going up to Watdenbahc, and so going down to Milzisa et to Massenbrunnon, then to Cereplessore, and the same way to Rodenhard, and thence, going down using the forested road, until Swerzelwrd. Thus, we ordered that this will of our authority be written so no could dare, in any time, question or oppose the lawful power of Abbot Bunon, abbot of this place, nor his successors
. And, at the purpose that this act have a larger authority, we ordered it to be confirmed with the imprint of our seal
. Seal of the much glorious King Charles
. Unigbald recognized the advice of Radon
. Given on the eve of the Kalends of December, Indiction 7, year 18, and the 13th of our reign; written in our palace of Worms; be that fruitful, in the name of God

Charlemagne Renews to The Monastery of Prüm Some Rights for Its Solicitors, As he Defines and Limits, At the Same Time, the Rights and Duties of Them (December 10th, 800)

In the name of the Holy and Indivisible Trinity. Charles, by the favourable grace of God, emperor Augustus of the Romans, salute and joy to all his faithfuls. Should we bring care and diligence to that place dedicated to the Divine service and that we not only confirm what had been instituted by our predecessors, but, too, we hurry to restaure in all all what was destroyed, we trust that, with no doubt, this charter will be to us a remuneration in an everlasting reward. Thus, do we want that all, belonging either to the Holy Church of God or being of our faithfuls, namely those present, and those to come, that they think about how Marchard, abbot of the monastery of Prüm, this place of Our Lord Jesus-Christ and Savior of the World, came to ask for leniency from our serenity and that, by the way of our imperial authority, be renewed and affirmed, decreeted and statuted the rights and duties of the 'avoués' [people who manage some rights for an abbey] for the place located above Mosa which, from their names, decidedly, are called: Rivin, Fimai et Fimpin. Thus, leaning willingly our ear to that request, with the council and agreement of our Greats, we ordered that this order be written, which we will to be respected for eternity. At last, we took this firm and steady edict about the 'avoués' of the above mentioned monastery, so that to that, in their avoués' plaid [assembly], they do not have, over the course of the year, beyond three of their rights being due or, that a whatsoever comparution being constituted, that, first, two parts be done for the abbot, a third be conceded to the avoués, of those it be made a duty in the part of the abbot to be imposed upon two families. The avoué however will take care that he does not accept the serfdom of more than 12 common men. That whether the abbot asked about those three plaids, against whatsovever demand, that the abbot do help himself, should that have been asked to him by a family and that, thence, he accepts the duty. If someone of the family comes to die, from the outside or from below [sic], that the avoué gets the wehrgeld of this man to the abbot and that he takes nothing for his own account. That, moreover, in any case, it be allowed to the avoué to maltreat nor to take anything from this person, nor that, in the case of homicide, theft, robbery, or fight, should the culprit have been found, he be allowed to organize the judicial duel, from the inside or the outside [?] without the presence of the abbot or of one of his faithfuls. We too decide, that no one can constitute for himself a legal representant who, after some time, could be turned into a avoué, nor that any had the power to hold a plaid, nor could constitute himself above the officers, nor manses [tenures] or any of the rights of the abbot
. Given on the 3rd of the Ides of December, in the year 800 of the Incarnation of Our Lord, indiction VI, the 8th year of our empire; done in the royal villa of Briburia; amen, amen, amen

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